
Understanding Age-Related Neurological Changes

Our bodies undergo various changes with age, including those affecting our neurological system. As experts in EEG testing in Eastover, North Carolina, we believe understanding these changes can help individuals and their loved ones navigate potential...

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A Guide to Helping a Person Experiencing Epilepsy

Epilepsy affects over 50 million people worldwide, making it one of the most common neurological disorders. Witnessing someone having an epileptic seizure can be distressing, but understanding how to respond can significantly impact their well-being....

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Balance Disorders: A Closer Look at Ataxia

Ataxia is a physical condition defined by the lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements, often resulting in balance disorders. It’s problematic, especially for our loved ones, resulting in unforeseen accidents. Luckily, NeurogenX services ...

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EEGs: Powerful Tools in Epilepsy Diagnosis

Epilepsy is a huge concern worldwide, affecting millions with varying degrees of severity. In the quest to illuminate it with accurate prognosis, Electroencephalogram (EEG) has proven to be quite a powerful weapon. Let’s see why EEGs are changing t...

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Neuropathy: What You Need to Know About It

Neuropathy, also known as peripheral neuropathy, refers to a range of health problems that involve damage to the peripheral nerves. It can result from a wide range of conditions, such as diabetes and treatments like chemotherapy. Learn more about neu...

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A Simple Guide to Understanding Balance Problems

According to studies, about 33 million American adults have problems with balance or dizziness. Everyone may have experienced dizziness at some point, but it could mean different things for different people. Let’s have a deeper understand...

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